Tıp Eğitimi: Marmara Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi (İngilizce)
Uzmanlık: Erciyes Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Ortopedi & Travmatoloji
Doçent: Sağlik Bilimleri ÜniversitesiKayseri Tıp fakültesi
Erciyes Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi 2008-2014
Kayseri Eğitim Araştırma Hastanesi 2014-2018
Kayseri Şehir Hastanesi Harran 2018-2020
Kayseri Şehir Eğitim Araştirma Hastanesi 2020-2022
Kuzay Karolina Eyalet Üniversitesi 2022-2023
SBÜ Kayseri Şehir Eğitim Araştirma Hastanesi 2023-2024
Rekonstruktif Cerrahi
El cerrahisi
Serbest Doku Nakilleri
Kemik enfeksiyonları
Protez Cerrahisi
Spor Cerrahisi
1- Türkiye Cumhuriyeti, Sağlık Bakanlığı Kupa Uygulaması Sertifikalı Eğitim Programı-2017
Kayseri, Ref. #: GETATK/12-18
2- Türkiye Cumhuriyeti, Sağlık Bakanlığı Sülük Uygulaması Sertifikalı Eğitim Programı-
2017 Kayseri, Ref. #: GETATS/06-03
3- Türkiye Cumhuriyeti, Sağlık Bakanlığı Ozon Uygulaması Sertifikalı Eğitim Programı-2017
Kayseri, Ref. #: GATATO/04-06
4- 2. Uluslararası Taze Dondurulmuş Kadavra Örneklerinde Üst Uzuv Tendon Transferleri
28-30.01.2016 Selanik/Yunanistan
5- Türkiye Cumhuriyeti, Bilimsel ve Teknolojik Araştırma Kurumu (TÜBİTAK) Tıbbi
Bilimler Araştırma Projesi Hazırlama ve Uygulama Sertifika Eğitimi 23-25 Mayıs 2015
6- 16. Temel Mikrocerrahi Kursu 7-11 Mayıs 2013 Kocaeli
7- Deney Hayvanları Kullanım Sertifikası 01-11 Mayıs 2014 ERSEM Kayseri
8- Türkiye ASAMI Derneği Seyahat Üyesi 06-26 Kasım 2012
9- Turk El ve Üst Ekstremite Cerrahisi Derneği Temel El Cerrahisi Kursu 11-12 Ocak 2013
1. Karaman, İ., Güney, A., Gurbuz, K., Bilal, Ö., & Güney, B. (2013). Calcific mediopatellar plica: a case
report. Eklem Hastalık Cerrahisi, 24(2), 117-120.
2. Karaman, I., Halici, M., Kafadar, I. H., Guney, A., Oner, M., Gurbuz, K., Karaman, Z. F. (2014). Mid-
term results of the elastic intramedullary nailing in paediatric long bone shaft fractures: a prospective
study of 102 cases. Journal of Pediatric Orthopaedics B, 23(3), 212-220.
3. Ekinci, Y., Duygulu, F., Vatansever, F., & Gurbuz, K. (2014). A giant hydatid cyst localized in pelvis
and thigh. Eklem Hastalıkları ve Cerrahisi Joint diseases & related surgery, 25(2): 121-124.
4. Gurbuz, K. (2014). Covering the Dorsal Finger Defect with Reverse Cross Finger Flap. Journal of
Clinical and Analytical Medicine, 7(112), 262-264
5. Gurbuz, K. (2014). Avulsion Fracture of the Tibial Tubercle Associated with Patellar Ligament
Avulsion in a Sporting Adolescent. A Rare Case. Journal of Clinical and Analytical Medicine, 7(114),
6. Uçar, M., Vatansever, F., Tanık, N., Çebiçci, M. A., Sütbeyaz, S. T., Sarp, Ü., & Gurbuz, K. (2015).
Karpal tünel sendromu olan hastalarda ortalama trombosit hacmi ve diğer hemogram sonuçlarının
karşılaştırılması. Journal of Clinical and Experimental Investigations, 6(2).
7. Dogar, F., Gurbuz K. (2016). Distal Metatarsal Osteotomy in Hallux Valgus Surgery&58; Chevron
Osteotomy. Journal of Clinical and Analytical Medicine, 6(157), 752-755.
8. Gurbuz, K. (2016). Stabbing Injury of The Forearm: Case Report. The Annals of Eurasian Medicine,
9. Gener K, Ozan F, Grbz K, Uzun E, zyalın M, ncel ES, Duygulu F. (2016) Result of the Fixation of Tibial
Shaft Fractures by the inflatable Intramedullary Nail. The Annals of Eurasian Medicine. 21(2):34-39
10. Ozan, F., Gurbuz K. (2016). Type III Supracondylar Humerus Fractures in Children&58; Open
Reduction and Pinning. Journal of Clinical and Analytical Medicine, 6(157), 783-787.
11. Gurbuz, K., Ozan, F., Kayali, C., Altay, T. (2016). Total matricectomy and VY advancement flap
technique in the treatment of onychogryphosis. Dermatologic Surgery, 43(4), 583-586. 5
12. Ozan, F., Uzun, E., Gurbuz, K., Koyuncu, Ş., Altay, T., & Kayalı, C. (2016). Total hip arthroplasty in
the developmental dysplasia of the hip using transverse subtrochanteric osteotomy. Journal of
orthopaedics, 13(4), 259-263.
13. Ozan, F., Oncel, E. S., Koyuncu, S., Gurbuz, K., Dogar, F., Vatansever, F., Duygulu, F. (2016). Effects
of Hardinge versus Moore approach on postoperative outcomes in elderly patients with hip fracture.
Int J Clin Exp Med, 9(2), 4425-4431.
14. Batın, S., Ozan, F., Gurbuz, K., Uzun, E., Kayalı, C., Altay, T. (2016). Migration of a broken Kirschner
wire after surgical treatment of acromioclavicular joint dislocation. Case reports in surgery, 2016.
15. Ozan, F., Dogar, F., Gurbuz, K., Ekinci, Y., Bilal, Ö., Öncel, E. S. (2016). Dysplasia epiphysealis
hemimelica (Trevor disease) in the ankle. Therapeutics and clinical risk management, 12, 545.
16. Ekinci, Y., Gurbuz, K., Çıraklı, A., Ekinci, D., & Çıraklı, S. (2016). Dikiş iğnesi ile yaralanma sonrası
gelişen septik artrit nedeni olarak pseudomonas aeruginosa. Ege Tıp Dergisi, 55(2): 95-97.
17. Koyuncu S., Ozan F., Gurbuz, K. (2016) Gluteal Compartment Syndrome Secondary to Traumatic
Rupture of Gluteus Maximus. The Annals of Eurasian Medicine 2016; 1:4-7.
18. Ozan, F., Gurbuz K. (2016). Surgical Treatment of Trigger Fingers of 58; Open Release. Journal of
Clinical and Analytical Medicine, 6(153), 489-491.
19. Ozan F., Gurbuz K. (2016). Metallic foreign body in the foot. Journal of Clinical and Analytical
Medicine, 6(157), 788-791.
20. Ozan, F., Koyuncu, Ş., Gurbuz, K., Öncel, E. S., & Altay, T. (2017). Radiofrequency Thermal
Lesioning and Extracorporeal Shockwave Therapy: A Comparison of Two Methods in the Treatment
of Plantar Fasciitis. Foot & ankle specialist, 10(3), 204-209.
21. Ozan, F., Gurbuz, K., Celik, I., Dursun, Z. B., Uzun, E. (2017). Evaluation of major and minor lower
extremity amputation in diabetic foot patients. Turkish journal of medical sciences, 47(4), 1109-1116.
22. Ozan, F., Dogar, F., Gurbuz, K., Ekinci, Y., Koyuncu, S., Sekban, H. (2017). Chronic Achilles Tendon
Rupture Reconstruction Using the Lindholm Method and the Vulpius Method. Journal of clinical
medicine research, 9(7), 573.
23. Ozan, F., Gurbuz, K., Uzun, E., Gök, S., Dogar, F., & Duygulu, F. (2017). The inflatable
intramedullary nail for humeral shaft fractures. Journal of Orthopaedics, 14(1), 137-141.
24. Batin, S., Ozan, F., Gurbuz, K., Koyuncu, S., Vatansever, F., & Uzun, E. (2018). Evaluation of Risk
Factors for Second Hip Fractures in Elderly Patients. Journal of Clinical Medicine Research, 10(3),
25. Gurbuz K., Gurbuz P., Aycan MBY., Halıcı M., (2019) Icariin promotes the early and late stages of
the fracture healing in rats Joint Disease & Related Surgery, 30(3):282-288
26. Arık M. Ekinci Y., Gurbuz K., Batın S. (2019) The effects of focal brain damage on fracture healing:
an experimental rat study Joint Disease & Related Surgery. 30(3):267-274
27. Ekinci Y, Gurbuz K, Batın S, Çıraklı A. (2019) Assessment of Patients Applying For Emergency
Services with Hand Injury. Ann Med Res 26(4):561-4
28. Gurbuz K (2019) Pull-out suture technique and micro-bone anchor fixation: a comparison of two
methods in the treatment of nonosseous mallet finger injuries Cumhuriyet Medical Journal 41(2):
29. Özkılıç Y., Gurbuz K., Türe Z., Çelik İ. (2019) Necrotizing Soft Tissue Infecttion with Compartment
Sendrome: A case report Erciyes Med. J 41(3):341-343
30. Gurbuz K, Ekinci Y (2019) Is the Preopertive Glycated Hemoglobin (HbA1c) Level Predictive of the
Severity of Diabetic Hand Infection According to Surgical and Clinical Outcomes? Experimental and
Clinical Endocrinology & Diabetes. 129(10), 713-721.
31. Gurbuz K. (2020) The Treatment of Onichogryphosis of Hand Nails by Total Matricectomy and
Dorsal V-Y Advancement Flap Joint Disease & Related Surgery Joint Disease & Related Surgery
32. Ekinci Y, Gurbuz K, Batın S, Kahraman M, Dogar F, Kaya Erten Z A (2020) Multicenter
Intertrochanteric Fracture Study in the Elderly; Hemiarthroplasty versus Proximal Femoral Nailing
Joint Disease & Related Surgery 31(2): 209-214
33. Ekinci Y, Gurbuz K (2020) Is the Reversed Cross-Finger Subcutaneous Flap a Good Option at the
Dorsal Digital Defect? Joint Disease & Related Surgery 31(2):1-6
34. Günay A.E, Gurbuz, K. (2020) Clinical results of eleven patients operated for Jersey finger a new
radiological finding, Hand & Microsurgery Journal 9(1):1-6
35. Gurbuz K, Ekinci Y, Batın S, Çıraklı A. (2020). The Effects of Tendon Sheath Giant Tumor on
Preoperative Pre-Diagnosis and Recurrence in the Management of Hand Mass Bozok Tıp Dergisi
10(1): 63-7
36. Ekinci Y., & Gurbuz K. (2020). Acil Serviste Şaşırtan Bir Olgu: Osteopoikilozis. Journal of Anatolian
Medical Research, 1), 40-42.
37. Gurbuz K., Ekinci Y., Batın S., Erten Kaya Z. (2020). Is Ideal Treatment of Metacarpal and
Phalangeal Fractures Possible? Clinical and Radiological Outcomes of Three Surgical Choices Hand &
Microsurgery Journal 9(2):67-75
38. Ekinci Y, Gurbuz K (2020). Is Non-Vascularized Fibular Grafting an Effective Choice in the
Treatment of Upper Extremity Pseudarthrosis? Erciyes Medical Journal 242(2): 167-73
39. Ekinci Y, Gurbuz K, Batın S, Arık M (2020). Is the One Ray or the Rest are Shorter?
Brachymetapody: Case Report Journal of the American Podiatric Medical Associaiton JAPMA
40. Ekinci Y, Gurbuz K (2020). Tratment Outcomes and Clinical Evaluation of Upper extremity
Infections Related to Diabetes Erciyes Medical Journal 42(4): 404-4
41. Dogar F, Argun M, Erdem S, Gurbuz K, Argun AS, Kafadar IH. (2021). Clinical and radiological
results of surgically treated patients with adolescent idiopathic scoliosis and the effects of pulmonary
rehabilitation on respiration functions. Medicine 100:7-12
42. Gurbuz K, Yontar Y (2021). A four-year community hospital experience regarding procedures for
the replantation and revascularization of fingers Jt Dis Relat Surg 2021;32(2):383-390
43. Dogar F., Gurbuz K. (2021). The Relation Between Mean Platelet Volume and Carpal Tunnel
Syndrome KSU Medical Journal 2021;16(2): 178-181
44. Dogar F, Uzun E, Gurbuz K, Topak D, Akar M, Bilal O, Güney A (2021). Comparison of Arthroscopic
Treatment Methods in Talar Osteochondral Lesions: A Multicenter, Prospective, Randomized Clinical
Trial J Am Podiatr Med Assoc 111 (4): 12-20
45. Dogar, F., Dere, K. İ., Gurbuz, K., Topak, D., Özdemir, M. A., Kuşcu, B., & Bilal, Ö. (2021). Rare
coracoid fractures presenting with superior shoulder suspensory complex injury: A case series. Jt Dis
Relat Surg,32 (3), 804-807
46. Payas, A., Ekinci, Y., Gurbuz, K., Batın, S., Ertekin, T., Doğan, K., … & Nisari, M. (2022). Vitamin B
12 reduces the negative effects of nicotine on fetal bone development in the rats. Jt Dis Relat Surg,
33(1), 216-224
47. Dere, K. İ., Gurbuz, K., & Dogar, F. (2022). A weird thumb infection in a child: Could it be herpes.
Jt Dis Relat Surg Case Rep, 1(2), 43-46.
48. Gurbuz, K. (2022). Four open metacarpophalangeal joint dislocations. Jt Dis Relat Surg Case Rep,
1(3), 87-90.
49. Gurbuz, K., Dogar, F., & Yontar, Y. (2022). Comparison of Clinical Outcomes of Heterodigital
Neurovascular Island Flap, Reverse Homodigital Neurovascular Island Flap, and Cross-Finger Flap
Used for Fingertip Reconstruction. Indian Journal of Orthopaedics, 56(5), 847-855.
50. Gurbuz, K., Doğar, F., Yontar, Y. (2022). Is the Anterolateral Thigh Flap the Solution for Orthopedic
Trauma Complication Reconstructions? A Case Series. Journal of the American Podiatric Medical
51. Kuşcu B, Bilal Ö, Doğar F, Topak D, Gurbuz K, Dere Kİ, et al. (2023). Effects of Lcarnitine on
healing of Achilles tendon in rats. Jt Dis Relat Surg 2023;34(1):84-91.
52. Batın, S., Ekinci, Y., Gürbüz, K., Payas, A., Kurtoğlu, E., Uçar, İ., Seber, T., Arık, M., Yılmaz, H. and
Unur, E. (2023) The role of pineal gland volume in the development of scoliosis. European Spine
Journal, 32(1):181-189.
53. Gürbüz, K. and Ekinci, Y. (2023). Key to the Success of a Pedicled Latissimus Dorsi
Musculocutaneous Flap in Patients with Soft Tissue Defects Around the Elbow Complicated by
Trauma. Erciyes Medical Journal. 45(1):90-97
54. Topak D, Gürbüz K, Doğar F, Bakır E, Gürbüz P, Kılınç E, et al. (2023). Hydroxychloroquine induces
oxidative stress and impairs fracture healing in rats. Jt Dis Relat Surg 2023;34(2): i-xi. doi:
55. Kuscu, B., Dogar, F., Topak, D., Ekinci, Y., Gürbüz K. (2023). Reconstruction with hamstring
autograft of atraumatic simultaneous ruptures of the bilateral quadriceps tendons: A novel
technique Ann Clin Anal Med; DOI: 10.4328/ ACAM.21569
56. Kuscu, B., Dogar, F, Gürbüz, K. (2023). Lesser toe deformity; hammer and claw toe in the same
foot toes side by side. Ann Clin Anal Med; DOI: 10.4328/ ACAM.21571
57. Batin, S., Ekinci, Y., Gürbüz, K. (2023). The Nightmare of Calcaneus: GustiloAnderson Type IIIB
Fractures. Journal of the American Podiatric Medical Association, 113(6); DOI: 10.7547/21-179
58. Dogar, F., Gurbuz, K., Topak, D., Okcesiz, A., Eken, A., Kilinc, E., … & Telek, M. (2024) Effects of
Focal Cerebellar Injury on Fracture Healing and Oxidative Stress in Rat Model: An Experimental
Animal Study. Turkish Neurosurgery, 34(2), 314-324
59. Gurbuz, K., Dogar, F., Ekinci, Y., Dere, K. I., Topak, D., & Kuscu, B. (2024). Hand injuries in Children:
A retrospective multicentric study. Hand and Microsurgery, 12(3), 138-138.
60. Dogar, F., Gurbuz, K., Topak, D., Ozdemir, M. A., Kuşçu, B., Ekinci, Y., … & Bilal, O. (2024).
Comparison of Suture Types and Techniques in Achilles Tendon Repair: An Ex Vivo Biomechanical
Animal Experiment. Journal of the American Podiatric Medical Association, 114(2): 1-31.
61. Kuşçu, B., Gurbuz, K., Doğar, F. (2024). Reconstruction techniques for upper extremity crush
injuries with massive tissue loss and open fractures: a prospective study. European Review for
Medical and Pharmacological Sciences 28 (12), 3810-3821.